ănĭmadverto (archaic -vorto), ti, sum, 3, v. a. [contr. from animum adverto, which orthography is very freq. in the anteclass. period; cf. adverto, II. B.] (scarcely found in any poet beside Ter. and Verg.), to direct the mind or attention to a thing, to attend to, give heed to, to take heed, consider, regard, observe.I.Lit.A. In gen.: alios tuam rem credidisti magis quam tete animum advorsuros, Ter. Phorm. 3, 1, 3: atque haec in bello plura et majora videntur timentibus, eadem non tam animadvertuntur in pace, Cic. Div. 2, 27: sed animadvertendum est diligenter, quae natura rerum sit, id. Off. 2, 20, 69: dignitas tua facit, ut animadvertatur quicquid facias, id. Fam. 11, 27, 7; Nep. Epam. 6, 2.—With ut, to think of: illud me non animadvertisse moleste ferrem, ut ascriberem, etc., Cic. Fam. 5, 20, 5 (cf.: animos advertere, ne, Liv. 4, 45).—B. Esp., as t. t. 1. Of the lictor, whose duty it was to give attention, to see, that the consul, when he appeared, should receive due homage (cf. Sen. Ep. 64; Schwarz ad Plin. Pan. 23, and Smith, Dict. Antiq., s. v. lictor): consul animadvertere proximum lictorem jussit, Liv. 24, 44 fin.—2. Of the people, to whom the lictor gave orders to pay attention, to pay regard to: consule theatrum introeunte, cum lictor animadverti ex more jussisset, Suet. Caes. 80 Ruhnk.—II.Transf., as a consequence of attention. A.To remark, notice, observe, perceive, see (in a more general sense than above; the most usu. signif. of this word). a. With acc.: Ecquid attendis? ecquid animadvertis horum silentium?Cic. Cat. 1, 8, 20: utcumque animadversa aut existimata erunt, Liv. praef. med.: his animadversis, Verg. G. 2, 259; 3, 123 et saep.: Equidem etiam illud animadverto, etc., Cic. Off. 1, 12, 37 Beier.: nutrix animadvertit puerum dormientem circumplicatum serpentis amplexu, id. Div. 1, 36, 79.—b. With acc. and inf.: postquam id vos velle animum advorteram, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 16: qui non animadverterit innocentes illos natos, etc., Nep. Epam. 6, 3: turrim conlucere animadvertit, Tac. H. 3, 38.—c. With ind. quest.: quod quale sit, etiam in bestiis quibusdam animadverti potest, Cic.Am. 8, 27.—B. In a pregn. sense, to discern something, or, in gen., to apprehend, understand, comprehend, know (less freq. than the synn. cognoscere, intellegere, etc.): boni seminis sues animadvertuntur a facie et progenie, Varr. R. R. 2, 4, 4: nonne animadvertis, quam multi effugerint?Cic. N. D. 3, 37, 89: ut adsint, cognoscant, animadvertant, quid de religione ... existimandum sit, id. ib. 1, 6, 14: animadverti enim et didici ex tuis litteris te, etc., id. Fam. 3, 5.—C.To notice a wrong, to censure, blame, chastise, punish (cf. the Engl. phrase to attend to one, for to punish): Ea primum ab illo animadvortenda injuriast,
, id. ib. 4, 4, 28: animadvertenda peccata, Cic. Rosc. Am. 40: res a magistratibus animadvertenda, id. Caecin. 12: neque animadvertere neque vincire nisi sacerdotibus permissum = morte multare,
to punish with death
, Tac. G. 7.—Esp. freq. in judicial proceedings as t. t., constr. with in aliquem: qui institueras animadvertere in eos, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 23: imperiti, si in hunc animadvertissem, crudeliter et regie factum esse dicerent, id. Cat. 1, 12, 30: qui in alios animadvertisset indictā causā, id. Fam. 5, 2; so Sall. C. 51, 21; Liv. 1, 26: in Marcianum Icelum, ut in libertum, palam animadversum, Tac. H. 1, 46; 1, 68; 1, 85; 4, 49; Suet. Aug. 15; id. Tib. 61; id. Calig. 30; id. Galb. 20; Dig. 48, 19, 8 al.; hence, effect for cause, animadverti,