Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Amór-e, s. m. dim. Amór-íno, Amór-étto, disp. Amór-ázzo,Amór-ettáccio;
1. love, affection. Il primo —, God;2. lover, gallant; 3. affection, kindness, liking;4. divine love, charity; 5. Cupid, the god of love. Andar in —, to be in heat, to rut. Per — di, for the sake of. Per — vostro, foryour sake. Far una cosa d'—, to do a thing by common consent. Far una cosa con —, to do any thing with pleasure. Essere in —, to be in favour with. — proprio, self-love. Amor mio, my love, my dear.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English