Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Alzáre, v. a.
1. to elevate, raise, lift up, to hoist;2. to exalt, praise, laud. — la voce, to cry aloud, to shout, — uno fin al cielo, to laud a person to the skies; — le carte, to cut the cards; — i mazzi, to steal off, run away; — il grembiule, to be with child; — i panni, to tuckor pin up one's clothes; — le corna, to become haughty, proud; — il gomito, to drink deep; — il fianco, to gormandize; — il prezzo, to raise the price; v. r. to rise up. — dal letto,to get up.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
alzare: to aduance, to raise, to hoise, to heaue, to rere, to eleuate, or lift vp.