[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service] |
Morphology- Lemmata
Forms: abgewichen (data provider: celex), abweiche (data provider: celex), abweichen (data provider: celex), abweichend (data provider: celex), abweichest (data provider: celex), abweichet (data provider: celex), abweichst (data provider: celex), abweicht (data provider: celex), abwich (data provider: celex), abwiche (data provider: celex), abwichen (data provider: celex), abwichest (data provider: celex), abwichet (data provider: celex), abwichst (data provider: celex), abwicht (data provider: celex), abzuweichen (data provider: celex), weicheab (data provider: celex), weichenab (data provider: celex), weichestab (data provider: celex), weichetab (data provider: celex), weichstab (data provider: celex), weichtab (data provider: celex), wichab (data provider: celex), wicheab (data provider: celex), wichenab (data provider: celex), wichestab (data provider: celex), wichetab (data provider: celex), wichstab (data provider: celex), wichtab (data provider: celex)
Dictionary- DWDS: Deutsches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- LEO: German - English Dictionary
- Linguee: German - English Dictionary
- Universität Leipzig: German - English Dictionary
[* external links may not function]
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