Abeo, abis, abím, pen. prod. & per syncopam, ábij, ábitum, pen. cor. abîre, Discedere. To goe away: to depart: to goe from.Prætor de sella surrexit, atque abijt.Cic.Rose out of his seate and departed.Abire vel ab, aut de loco. Plan. Non abire possum ab his regionibus. De loco nunc quidem abijt pestilentia.Cic.Abire hinc, illinc, istinc, inde.Terent. Non tu hinc abis? Wilt thou not be gone, or get thee hence?Quum inde abeo.Terent.When I ment from thence.Sine me hinc abire.Plaut.Let me goe from hence.Abire vibe, pro Ab vibe.Plaut.Abijt domo ad legiones.Plaut.From home to the armie.Abire ab aliquo.Plaut.Abeo ab illis.Plaut.I goe my way from them.Abire ab vel ex oculis, è conspectu, &c.Plaut.Liu.To goe out of ones sight.Vide ne res abeat nobis.Cic.Take heede the matter scape vs not.Abire ab aliquo pro Exire ab eius ædibus.Terent.To depart out of ones house. Abire aliquò, fere pro Ire ponitur.Iube hanc abire ad te.Plaut.Commaund him to depart to your house.Abijt ad deos.Cic.He is gone to heauen the is made a sainct or a god.In angulum aliquò abire.Terent.To get him out of the way into some corner.In exilium abierunt.Liu.They went into voluntary exile or banishment.Abeo intrò.Terent.I goe my way in.Ne abeas longins.Terent.Goe not farre from kinte.Illo abeunte peregrè. Plinius. While he ment forth of the towne, or forth into uraung conntries.Abire impunè, Vide IMPVNS.Abi illis obuiam.Terent.Goe meete them.Quasi verò mihi difficile sit quamuis multos nominatim proferre, (ne longius abeam) vel tribuleis, vel vicinos meos, &c.Cic.To seeke no further.Non longè abieris.Cic.Thou shalt not goe farre for example.Longè res abibit. Vlpian. Ne in infinitum abeamus. Plin. That we may not goe about to recken or rehearse things insintte: or, not to goe or wander exceeding farre from our purpose.Paphum sublimis abit.Virg. Pro in Paphum. Exulatum abijt salus.Plaut.All hope of safegard is gone and banished, or is lost.Abi deambulatum.Terent.Goe walke.Exulatum abierunt Liu.They be gone into banishment.Abire pessum.Plaut.To decay or goe to naught: to runne headlong: to goe to a mischiefe.Abire Tarentum, vel in Asiam ad mercaturam.Plaut.Terent. Iam fides abijt. Liuius. Nowe it is not beleeued: or it is not thought credible or likely.Animus abijt in varios cursus.Ouid.His mind made a great discourse.Ferrum in corpus.Stat.Went or pearced into the bodie.Hasta viri trans pectus abijt. Statius. Went or pearted cleane through, &c.Quorum vetustate memoria abijt.Liu.Which were forgotten or out of remembraunce, by reason of long continuance of time.Modus abijt.Ouid.There is no meane or measure at all.Nausea iam plane abijt.Cic.Is ceased.In cominissura abibunt pedes tres. Cato. In the isyning, three foote will be lost.De loco nunc quidem abijt pestilentia.Cic.Is gone: is ceased.Vt reditus agrorum, sic etiam pretium retro abijt. Plin. Iunior. Is diminished, or nor so great as it was wont to be.Sol abijt.Plaut.The sunne is gone lower or farther from us than it was.Spes victis telluris abit. Lucan. Is gone.Illa mea, quæ solebas antea laudare, ô hominem facilem, ô hospitem non grauem, abierunt.Cic.Are vanished, are ceased, are gone or worne.Abijt illud tempus.Cic.That time is gone and past.Dum hæc dicit, abijt hora.Terent.While the was speaking this, a whole hower passed.Hæc dum dubitas, menses abierunt decem.Terent.Thou hast spent whole tenne monethes in doubting of this matter. Abijt tutela ad propinquos. Horat. Id est, deuoluitur. Abijt oppidum in villas. Plin. Id est, ex oppido factæ sunt villæ. Præceps Fabius in vulnus abijt.Liu.He fell downe on the side he was wounded on.Abi tu sanè superior.Plaut.Sit thon higher goe upper.Quò diuersus abis? Virg.Whither turnest thou: or whither goest thou cleaue contrary?Abeo sensibus.Cic.I leaue to speake any more of senses.Abitum est priore emptione. Paulus iuris. They went from the first bargaine: or, they stacke not to the first bargaine: or they brake, &c.Abire ab iure.Cic.To doe contrary to the law.E medio abijt.Terent.He is departed; he is dead.Sic abijt è vita.Cic.So he died. Abire ad vulgi opinionem.Cic.To condiscend to the common peoples opinion. Abire magistratu, consulatu, &c. pro deponere magistratum, Consulatum, &c. Cic.Liu.To goe out of office: to giue ouer, or leaue off his office.Abire incœpto.Liu.To leaue of his purpose.Salicis fructus ante maturitatem in araneam abijt. Plin. Vanisheth away, &c.Totum stagnum in salem abit. Plin. Turned into salt: or was changed or conuerted, &c. Præsens quod fuerat malum, in diem abijt. Ter. Is deferred.Abire in ora hominum. Liuius. To be abroad in euery mans mouth: to be as a mocke or iest in enery mans mouth.In quos enim sumptus abeunt fructus prædiorum? Cic.Whervpon is the truenew of my sermes spent or wasted: Abire in ventos, Id est, obliuioni dari.Ouid. Abire sub iugum.Liu.To passe or goe vnder the gassies. Abeunt sursum radices. Cato. The roctes growe or come vpward. Mirabar, hoc si sic abiret. Tetent. I marveyled if this matter should so passe or scape. Quid ad istas ineptias abis? Cicero.What medlest thou with these phantasles: or why speakest thou of these tryfles? Abi præ, Sosia.Terent.Goe before.Tu abi tacitus viam tuam. Plautus. Goe thy way and say nothing.Abire fuga.Virg.To flee.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
ăb-ĕo, ĭvi or ii, ītum, īre, v. n. (abin= abisne, Plaut. and Ter.; abiit, dissyl., v. Herm. Doctr. Metr. p. 153), to go from a place, to go away, depart. I.Lit.. A. In gen., constr. with ab, ex, the simple abl., the acc. with in, the local adv. hinc, and absol.: abeo ab illo, Plaut. Cure. 2, 3, 70: abi in malam rem maxumam a me, id. Ep. 1, 1, 72 (v. infra); so id. Bacch. 4, 9, 107: abin e conspectu meo?id. Am. 1, 3, 20 (but also abin ab oculis? id. Trin. 4, 2, 140: id. Truc. 2, 5, 24): ablturos agro Argivos, id. Am. 1, 1, 53: abire in aliquas terras, Cic. Cat. 1, 8, 20: insanus, qui hinc abiit modo, Plaut. Merc. 2, 2, 61: abi prae, jam ego sequar,
, Plaut. Merc. 3, 4, 6; Liv. 2, 15 fin.; cf.: abi deambulatum, Ter. Heaut. 3, 3, 26. —Absol.: (Catilina) abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit, Cic. Cat. 2, 1, 1: praetor de sellā surrexit atque abiit, id. Verr. 2, 4, 65 fin.: quae dederat abeuntibus, Verg. A. 1, 196 al.: sub jugum abire, Liv. 3, 2, 8 fin. — With inf.: abi quaerere, Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 26. —Of things: cornus sub altum pectus abit,
penetrates deeply
, Verg. A. 9, 700.B. In partic. 1.To pass away, so that no trace remains; to disappear, vanish, cease. a. Of man, to die: qui nune abierunt hinc in communem locum (i.e. in Orcum), Plaut. Cas. prol. 19; cf.: ea mortem obiit, e medio abiit, Ter. Phorm. 5, 9, 30; so also Cic.: abiit e vitā, Tusc. 1, 30, 74 al. — b. Of time, to pass away, elapse: dum haec abiit hora, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 50: menses, id. Ad. 4, 5, 57: annus, Cic. Sest. 33, 72: abit dies, Cat. 61, 195: tota abit hora, Hor. S. 1, 5, 14. —c. Of other things: per inane profundum, Lucr. 1, 1108: nausea jam plane abiit?Cic. Att. 14, 10, 2; so id. Fam. 9, 20; Ov. M. 7, 290 al.2.To be changed from one's own ways or nature into something else, to be transformed, metamorphosed; always constr. with in (chiefly poet., esp. in Ov. M., as a constant expression for metamorphosis): terra abit in nimbos imbremque, Lucil. ap. Varr. L. L. 5, 24 Mūll.: in corpus corpore toto,
to pass with their whole body into another
, Lucr. 4, 1111: aut abit in somnum,
is, as it were, wholly dissolved in sleep, is all sleep
, id. 3, 1066: E in V abiit. Varr. L. L. 5, 91 Mūll.: in villos abeunt vestes, in crura lacerti, Ov. M. 1, 236; id. ib. 2, 674: jam barba comaeque in silvas abeunt, id. ib. 4, 657; 4, 396; so id. ib. 3, 398; 8,555; 14, 499; 14, 551 al.: in vanum abibunt monentium verba,
will dissolce into nothing
, Sen. Ep. 94 med.; hence, in avi mores regem abiturum,
would adopt the ways of
, Liv. 1, 32.II.Trop.A. In gen., to depart from, to leave off, to turn aside: ut ab jure non abeat, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 44, 114; so, ab emptione, Dig. 2, 14, 7, 6; 18, 2, 14, 2 sq.: a venditione, ib. 18, 5, 1: sed abeo a sensibus, leave, i. e. speak no more of, Cic. Ac. 2, 28, 9; so often with longe: non longe abieris, you need not go far to seek for examples, id. Fam. 7, 19; cf.: ne longius abeam, id. Rosc. Am. 16, 47; id. Caec. 33, 95 al.: quid ad istas ineptias abis?
why do you have recourse to —?
id. Rosc. Am. 16, 47: abit causa in laudes Cn. Pompeii, Quint. 9, 2, 55: illuc, unde abii, redeo,
I set out
, Hor. S. 1, 1, 108: pretium retro abiit,
has fallen
, Plin. Ep. 3, 19, 7.B. In partic. 1. With abl., to retire from an office or occupation: abiens magistratu, Cic. Pis. 3, 6; id. Fam. 5, 2, 7: Liv. 2, 27 fin.; 3, 38fin. al.; so, abire consulatu, Cic. Att. 1, 16, 5; cf. flaminio, Liv. 26, 23 fin.: sacerdotio, Gell. 6, 7, 4: honore, Suet. Aug. 26: tutelā, Dig. 26, 4, 3, 8; cf.: tutelā vel curā, ib. 26, 10, 3, 18 al.2. Of the consequence or result of an action, to turn out, end, terminate: mirabar hoc si sic abiret, Ter. And. 1, 2, 4: cf.: non posse ista sic abire, Cic. Att. 14, 1; so id. Fin. 5, 3, 7; Cat. 14, 16 al.3. In auctions, t. t., not to be knocked down to one: si res abiret ab eo mancipe,
should not fall to him
, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 54; cf.: ne res abiret ab eo,
that he may purchase it
, id. 2, 3, 64; so Dig. 18, 2, 1; 50, 17, 205.4. The imper. abi is often a simple exclamation or address, either with a friendly or reproachful signif. a. Abi, Indis me, credo, Begone, you are fooling me!Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 32; so Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 25; cf. Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 205. —b.Begone! be off! abi modo, Plaut. Poen. 1, 3, 20: abi, nescis inescare homines, Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 12; bence in the malediction, abi in malam rem!
go be hanged!
Plaut. Pers. 2, 4, 17: abin hine in malam crucem?id. Most. 3, 2, 163 (ef. Cic.: quin tu abis in malam pestem malumque cruciatum? Phil. 13, 21); v. crux and cruciatus.