[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: /a (data provider: donatus-sup), a (data provider: donatus-sup), ad (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
[Remark: this dictionary entry has no valid XML/HTML content in database so a text version of this entry is shown.]: A, the first letter of the Italian alphabet; it is sometimes a preposition signifying, <i>to, in, by, with, under, at, on, upon, towards, between.</i> — me, <i>to me.</i> Andare — Parigi, <i>to go to Paris.</i> Dimorare — Londra, <i>to live in London.</i> — forza di braccia, <i>by main strength.</i> Nutrire — latte, <i>to feed with milk.</i> — mia signoria,<i>under my command.</i> — ragione di sei per Cento, <i>at the rate of six per Cent.</i> Andare — cavallo, <i>to go on horseback.</i> — credito, <i>upon credit or trust.</i> — tramontana, <i>towards the north.</i> Voi non fate differenza da me — lui,<i>you make no difference between me and him.</i> A is frequently employed for <i>da,</i> especially with the verbs <i>fare, vedere,</i> and <i>udire,</i> when these are followed by another verb in the infinitive mood, in which case they have a passive signification. <p>A, when accompanying the infinitive mood, is rendered into English by <i>to.</i> Andate — dormire,<i>go to sleep.</i>A is often joined to the preposition presso, <i>near, almost.</i> Di presso — sessant' anni, <i>almost sixty years old.</i>A becomes <i>ad</i> before most words beginning with a vowel. <p>A also signifies, <i>and, in the, as.</i> Due — due,<i>two and two.</i> — nome del re, <i>in the king's name.</i> Ricevere — grande onore, <i>to consider as a great honour.</i>A with an apostrophe is used instead of the article and preposition preceding the dative case. Gettare a' cani, <i>to fling to the dogs.</i>
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
a: the first letter of the alphabet, and the first vowell.