Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Succéd-ere, v. n. (pass. suc-cedei or Succéd-cessi,Succéd-cedetti , Succéd-cesse, Succéd-cedette, Succéd-cessero, Succéd-cedettero, part. successo,)
1. to succeed, to come next or after; 2. to succeed, inherit, get by inheritance or succession, to be one's heir; 3. to follow, come after; 4. to happen, befall, come to pass, fall out. Queste cose succedono giornalmente,these things happen daily. Temo non vi succeda qualche disgrazia, I am afraid some mischance will befall you; s. m. Succéd-itóre, f. Succéd-itríce;adj. Succéd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
succedere: or cedúto, to succeed, to follow, to haue good successe, to prosper and come to passe, to ensue in the place of another.