Subijcio, súbijcis, pen. cor. subiéci, pen. prod. subiectum, subijcere. Vir. To put vnder: to make subiect: to bring in mind: to bring in rememdraunce: to aunswere: to shew or tell a reason or cause.Brachia subiecit collo.Ouid.He clipped we about the neck with both his armes.Subijciunt sub alterum regem. Varro. Subijcere securi ceruices.Liu.To lay his neckdowne under the axe.Prælo subijcere. Colu. To put into the presse: to presse: also to print.Ignem subijcere.Cic.To put fire vnder.Ignem fornaci subijcere. Vlpian. To put fire under the furnace.Oua subijcere gallinis. Plin. To sette egges under an henne.Sacculum puluino subijcere. Sen. To put his purse or bag vnder his beds head.Brachia subijcere pallæ.Ouid.Pedibus subijcere. Virgil. To set vnder ones feete: to contemne: to set naught by. Subijcere.Plin. iun.To bring vnder or in subiection: to make subiect.Ipse te legibus subiecisti.Plin. iun.Thou haste put thy selfe vnder the lawes. Subijci prælijs. Cic.Subijcere sacra publica & priuata scitis Pontificis.Liu.To put all manner of ceremonies under the examination of the Bish op.Subijci tutelæ alicuius. Cice. To be vnder ones defence.Omnia subiecta esse libidini alicuius.Cic.Subijcere se imperio.Cic.To putte himselfe under ones dominion: to submit, &c. Subijcere ferro terram.Cic.To tyll the ground. Subijcere.Plin. iun.To bring in minde or remembraunce.Subijcere cogitationi suæ.Cic.To bring into his minde or cogitation: to thinke of.Subijcere spem dicitur res aliqua. Ci. To bring hope to one: to put one in hope.Subijcere carmina alicui. Propert. To inspire verses to one. Subijcere aliquid oculis.Plin. iun.To make a thing so plaine, as if he sawe it with his eies.Fœdiora his quæ subijcie bantur oculis. Li. More dishonest than those things that we sawe with our eies.Subijcere aliquid sub oculos, Idem. Quint. Subijcere sensibus. Cicero. To propose a thing so enidently that it may be perceiued with the senses: to make to bee perceiued by the senses. Subijcere calumniæ, per translationem.Liui.To bring in daunger of false blame and reproth.Subijci crimini.Liu.To be put in fault: to be blamed.Fortunas innocentium ficto sermoni subijcere.Cic.Subijcere faces inuidiæ alterius. Ci. To bring more & more in hatred: to inflame mens hatred more againste one.Subijcere odio ciuium aliquid.Cicer.To make citizens to hate a thing. In locum eorum subiecit, quos secÛ ex Italia adduxerat.Liu.He put in their places, those that he, &c. Subijcere testamenta.Cic.To forge and bring in false testaments.Subijcere testes. Quint. To subourne false witnesses.Subijcere nomen alterius. Vlpian. Subijcere. Varro. To auswere: to adde next in speaking.Quæ causa tum subijciebatur ab ipso Iudices huius tam nefariæ crudelitatis? Cic.What cause was then alledged of him, why he used this wicked crueltie.Subijcere exemplum. Col. To put or shewe an example.Subijcere rationem.Cic.To tell or alleadge a reason. Subijcere.Virg.To aunswere. Subijcere aliquid præconi, vel præconis voci. C. To cause a thing to be cried and solde. Vis subiecta voci. Cicero. The force and signification of a worde.Huic verbo VOLVPTAS duas res subijciunt.Cicer.They say this worde Voluptas signifieth twoo things. Corpora saltu subijciunt in equos. Virgil. They vaute or leape to horsebacke.Regem in equum subiecit.Liu.He set the king on the horse.
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