Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sténd-ere, v. a. (pass. ste-si, Sténd-se, Sténd-sero; part.Sténd-so ,)
1. to extend, stretch out, spread, open.— la lingua, to put out one's tongue. — le gambe, to stretch one's legs. — il campo,to extend one's camp. To die. — un tappeto,to spread a carpet; 2. to slacken, unbend. — un arco, to unbend a bow. — malizie, to slander, revile, backbite; 3. (met.) to explain, expound, expatiate upon any subject; v. n. 1. to reach to, extend to. Per quanto le mie forze si stenderanno, as far as my abilities extend. — l'ingegno, to apply to, to study;2. to enlarge; v. r. 1. to stretch one's self out; 2. to divulge, publish, spread abroad.La novella si stese per tutta la città, the news spread throughout the town; s. m. Sténd-itóre, f.Sténd-itríce; adj. Sténd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
stendere: or stéso, to extend, to desplay, to spread or stretch out.