Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Spezzá-re, v. a.
1. to break, reduce into pieces, beat to pieces. Levamiti dinanzi, che io ti spezzerò la testa, get out of my sight, or I'll break your head; 2. (met.) to dissipate, destroy. — le corna, to lower the crest, to break down a person's pride. — il cuore, to feel severe grief; 3. to annoy, vex, importune; v. fall in pieces; v. r. — il capo con alcuno, to come to loggerheads with a person; s. m. Spezzá-tóre,f. Spezzá-tríce; adj. Spezzá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
spezzare: to breake, to split, to riue, to shiuer, to rend or make in pieces.