Spes, spei, f. g. Ter. Hope: trust: looking for any thing.Plenus spei bonæ. Cæs. Spei nihil est.Cic.There is no hope at al.Malorum spes.Cic.The hope of naughtie persons.Anni spes.Ouid.The corne and fruit that is on the earth.Gemelli spes gregis.Virg.Couples, or males and females which are the hope to make the flock increase. Auaræ spes. Horat. Adolescentes cum bona spe, Vide CVM præpositionem.Caduca spes.Ouid.Vaine hope.Credula. Horat. Desperatissima. Balbus Ciceroni. Diues Horat.Hope to get great riches.Non dubia, Vide NON. Exigua. Cic.Eximia spe adolescens. Ci. A yong gentleman of great hope and towardneste.Fallax spes, Cic.Fidissima spes Teucrûm Hector.Virg.Hector in whom the Tropans did put their chiefe hope and affiance.Firmior.Cic. Inanes. Virg.Immodicæ spes.Stat. Incerta spes futuri. Virg.Inconcessa.Ouid.Hope to attaine that is not lawfull.Indubitata. Plin. Inuidiosa.Ouid.Hatefull hope.Irrita.Ouid. Læta. Virg.Lenta.Ouid.Lingring hope.Leues spes. Horat. Longa spes Horat. Longinqua.Stat. Mera, Vide MERVS. Minuta hostium spes.Tacit.Misella. Lucret. Mitior. Tacit.Obscœnæ spes.Ouid.Obscura spes.Cic.Obscura & cæca.Cic.Pertenuis spes ostenditur.Cic.Publica.Ouid. Stulta. Ouid.Summa spe præditus adolescens. Ci. A yong man of whome men haue great hope.Tenuis spes.Cic.Timida.Ouid.Timorous and vncertaine hope.Vana. Quint. Hacilli spe hoc incœperunt.Terent.On hope of this they began it.Contra spem, Vide CONTRA præpositionem.Citius spe.Ouid.Sooner than men hoped.In spem, Vide IN præpositionem.Inter spem metúmque.Liu.Dubij inter spem & metum.Virg. Salutis spes abijt.Ouid.Abijcere spem de aliquo. Brutus Cic.To dispaire of one.Abijcere spem faciendi aliquid.Cicer.To difpayre to doe a thing.Abrumpere spem & metum, Vide ABRVMFO.Abscissa omnis spes.Liu.All hope is cleane taken away.Abesse longè spe Confulatus, Vide ABSVM.Accendere spem, Vide ACCENDO.Accingere ad spem maiorem.Tacit.Addita spes tacitis votis.Stat.Adducere nos in spem dicuntur literæ.Cicer.To put vs in hope: to make vs hope.Adduci in spem.Cic.To be put in hope: to hope.In cam spem adducimur, vt nobis ea contentio quæ, &c.Cic.Adduci spe mercedis.Cic.Adimere spem.Cic.To take away hope.Admota spes, Nide ADMOVEO.Affecta spes. Valer. Flac. Vide AFFICIO. Affectare spem aliquam.Ouid.Afferre spem.Cic.To put in hope.Affirmare spem, Vide AFFIRMO.Affulget spes.Liu. Vide AFFVLGEO. Agitare animum alicuius spe, metu, admonitionibus, &c. Quint. Inanes spes agitare.Ouid.To waner in hope in vaine.Alere spem.Cic.To maintaine hope.Alternant spésque timórque fidem.Ouid.Sometime thorow hope I beleeued it, sometime thorow feare I was in doubt.Amplecti spem aliquam.Ouid.Arrectæ spes iuuenum.Virg. Assumere spem. Tacit.Populi opinionem spe adipiscendi auertunt.Cic.Auferre spem.Cic.To take away hope.Augere spem.Cic. Ad irritum spes cadit, Vide AD præpositionem.Calere spe. Curtius. Capere spem de aliquo. Quint. Inani spe captus.Virg.Carere spe.Cic.To haue no hope.In quibus magnam spem dignitatis suæ collocarent.Cic.Complere aliquÊ bona spe. Cæs. To put one in great hope.Omnes spes atque opes conciderunt. Cice. All hope and power is lost and gone.Concipere spem.Plin. iun.Si effeceris, meam de tua erga me beneuolentia spem confirmaueris.Cic.Omnium rerum desperatione confligit bona spes. Cicero. Good hope striueth with, &c.Consolatur aliquem spes.Cic.Consolari aliquem spe.Cic.Constituere spem in aliquo, Vide CONSTITVO.Conuertere in fidem spem alicuius, Vide CONVHRTO.Anni spem credere terræ.Virg.To sow corne on the ground on hope to reape it againe for reliese. Tua profectio spem meam deoilitat.Cic.Weakeneth.Decerpere spes. Quint. Decidere a vel de spe, Vide DECIDO, p. cor. To fall frõ, &c.Deficit spes.Cic.My hope fayleth.Defigere spem in alicuius potestare.Cic.Demere spem alicui.Ouid.Demittere animo spes obscœnas, Ouid.To conceiue in his mind a vile hope.Depelli spe Liu. Depelli de spe & conatu. Cic.Deponere spem. Hor. To dispaire: to hope no more.Deponere spÊ in re aliqua. Cur. To put his hope in a thing.Deserit spes.Cic.Hope faileth not.Deturbare spe, vel ex spe.Cic.To put from hope conceiued.Deuolui ad spem inanem.Cic. Vide DEVOLVO. Deuorare spe hæreditarÊ, lucrÛ, prædã. Ci. Vide DEVORO Deuouere spem.Ouid.To curse his hope.Discedit spes. Cæs. Dissoluere spem nuptiarum. Vlpian. Dare spem alicui.Cic.To put in hope.Dare spem bonæ indolis. Quin. Domare spem. Sta. Spe ducitur, se posse, &c.Cic.He hopeth, &c. Elucet spes. Quin, There appeareth an hope.Abijcere metum, & erigere spem. Ci. In spem erectus.Tacit.Eripere spem.Cic.To take away all hope.Euanescit spes.Cic. Euersa spes. Ouid.Exardere ad spem libertatis. Ci. To bee moued or inflamed with a great hope to attaine libertie.Excitare ad spem.Cic. Expectare spem. Cic.Exclusa spes.Cic.Explorata spes.Cic.Certaine hope.Posteaquam extenuari spem nostram, & euanescere vidi, mutaui consilium.Cic.To be diminished. Facere spem.Cic.To put in hope.Fallere spem alicuius. Ci. To frustrate and disappoint ones hope.Fallit eum spes.Cic.His hope disappointeth him.Fauere spei. Plin. Firmare aliquem ad spem. Tacit.Fluitare spe dubiæ horæ. Hor To wauer in vncertain hope of a time wherein a thing fhould happen to vs.Fluit spes.Virg.Hope wauereth.Spes eum srustratur. Lentulus Ciceroni. His hope disappointeth him. Habere spem in fide alicuius.Cic.To haue hope, &c.Reliqua plus habent spei, qum timoris. Cicero. The other things are in more hope to come to passe than feare to the contrarie.Habere aliquid in spe.Cic.To hope for.Habere spem in manibus.Cic.To haue a fure hope.Hæret spes in aliquo. Cur. Impellere in spem.Cic.To put in hope.Implere spem quam quis de nobis cõcepit, Vide IMPLEO.To accomplishe and fulfill, &c.Inchoare spem. Hora. Incisa spes, Vide INCIDO pen. prod. Incitant me spe non dubia.Cic.Incubare spe alicui pecuniæ.Cic. Vide INCVBO. Incumbit illi spes. Vide INCVMBO. Inducere in spem. Vide INDVCO. Induci in spem.Cic.To be perswaded to hope.Inducta spes rapinæ.Ouid.They were put in hope of, &c.Incuctus falsa spe pollicebar.Cic.Inferre spem. Vide INFERO. Inflammari spe potiendi.Cic.Inflare spem alicuius, Vide INFLO.Inflari spe.Cic. Infringi spes dicitur. Cic.Infringere spes immodicas. Sta. To weaken and diminish.Ingredi in spem.Cic.To beginne to hope.Inhibere spem alicuius. Curt. To stay.Inijcere spem.Cic.To put in hope.Intercipere spem.Ouid.To breake ones hope.Intercludere spem commeatus, Vide INTERCLVDO.Interdicta spes.Ouid.Hope of things forbidden.Inueterascit spes.Cic.Hope decapeth and weareth away.Inuitat spes. Plin. Irritus spei. Curt. Frustrate or disappointed. Labi spe. Cæs. Laborare in spem.Ouid.Laudari spe & expectatione.Cic.Vana spe ludere aliquem.Virg.With vaine hope to deceine. Spem mentita seges. Horat. When one receyueth not so much corne as he hoped to doe.Minuere spem. Cæs. Nancisci spem.Cic.To conceyue an hope.Nati in spem bonorum, Vide NASCOR.Spe qua iubes nitemur.Cic.We will sticke or trust theretoas you bldde vs.Summam spem nuntiabant, fore vt Antonius cederet. Clcer. They told vs that they were in great hope, &c. Obiecta spes.Liu.Hope offered.Obtentat me spes.Cic.Hope moueth me.Occidit spes nostra, Vid OCCIDO. pen. cor. Offerre spem, Vide OFFERO.Omittere spem. Curr. To hope no more.Orbari spe.Cic.To be bereft of his hope.Ostendere spem alicuius rei.To put one in hope of.Ostendere improbis spem, & inijcere bonis timorem. Cicer Ostentare spem, Idem.Cic. Pendet salus spe exigua & extrema.Cic.Laudis magna spes percussit meum cor. Lucret. Perdere spem.Cic.Falsam spem ponere.Ouid.To leaue his vaine hope.Ponere spem in aliquo, vel in re aliqua.Cic.To put hope in.In arcto spem ponere.Ouid.To haue small hope.Ponere & defigere spem in cuiuspiam potestare.Cic.Id quidem in optima spe pono.Cic.I haue very good hope of that matter.Plura ponuntur in spe, qum in pecunijs.Cic.Præbere spem alicuius rei. Cassius ad Ciceronem. To put in hope of a thing.Præcidere vel incidere spem alicui. Ci. To put one out of hope.Intelligo ea spe istum fuisse præditum, vt omnem rationem falutis in pecunia poneret.Cicer.I perceiue he was in this hope &c.Præsumere aliquid spe.Virg.In hope before haude to counte himselfe. sure of a thing.Producere spem vitæ.Tacit.To prolong hope of life.Proponere spem.Cic.To put in hope. Rapi ad spem immortalitatis.Cic.With greate affection to be carried to an hope of immortalitie.Redintegrare spem. Cæs. To take hope againe: to renew hope.Reducere spem anxijs mentibus. Horar. To putte carefull mindes in hope againe.Referre domum spem falsam.Cic.Remorari spem.Cic.To stay or hinder ones hope.Ab hac spe repulsi Neruij. Cæs. Reponere spem in aliquo.Cic.Residet spes in virtute tua.Cic. Secare spem.Virg.Sequi spem.Cic.To folowe hope of profite.Serenare spem vultu. Virg With pleasaunt countenaunce, to make as though he were in good hope.Subest spes. Curt. Where is some hope.Subministrare spern alicuius sceleris.Salust.To put in hope to worke a mischiefe.Esse spe bona.Cic.To haue a good hope.De Egnatij nomine, nec nulla, nec magna spe sumus.Cic.In spe esse.Cic.To hope.Esse in spe firmiore.Cic.To haue surer hope.In spe esse dicitur aliquis.Cicer.When one doth hope well of him.Dum in spe pax fuit Cic.While there was hope of peace.Spes est hunc aliquando tandem posse consiftere.Cicer.Men hope that, &c.Spes est de argento.Plaut.He hopeth to recouer, &c.Vide quæ spes sit denarij.Cic.Spes est in angusto. Cels. He hath finall hope.Spes erat in cursu.Ouid.Hope proceeded and went forwarde.In te & collega omnis spes est.Cic.Superare spem.Cic.To passe ones hope. Teneri spe.Cic.To be in hope.Illa ipsa spes exigua quæ erat, videtur esse sublata.Cic.Euen that small hope that we had, seemeth, &c.Trahere spem mora.Ouid.To prolong hope with delay.Trahi spe exigua.Ouid.To haue small hope. In spem venio appropinquare tuum aduentum.Cic.I hope, or am in hope.Lubrica spes me versat.Stat.Si spem videro, aut ibidem opperiar, aut me ad te conferam.If I shall see there be any hope, &c.Officio vincet omnes spes, Cicero.He will doe more pleasure than any man hopeth or looketh for.Spes tamen est vna, aliquando populum Romanum maiorem similem fore.Cic.Quam in spem me vocas? Cic.What hope dost thou bring to me? Spem vultu simulat, premit altum corde dolorem.Virg.He sheweth countenannce, or maketh semblaunce of ioye, or he sheweth a faire face, &c. Spes, pro Metu, Stat Dum spes nulla necis.While there is no feare of death. Spes in plurali.Cic. Omnes spes atque opes concidisse.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
spes, spēi (gen. spe, Liv. 1, 40, 7 dub.; Weissenb. spei; plur. nom. and acc. speres, Enn. ap. Fest. p. 333 Müll., or Ann. v. 410 and 132 Vahl.; gen. sperum, Eum. Paneg. Const. 15; abl. speribus, Varr. ap. Non. 171, 27 and 30: spebus, Sid. Apollin. Ep. 3, 6; Sulp. Sev. Dial. 3, 10; Paul. Nol. Carm. 18, 243; Hilar. in Psa. 119; cf. Neue, Formenl. 1, 570), f. [perh. root spa-, to draw out; Gr. spa/w; cf.: prosper, spondeo; v. spatium]. I.Lit.A. In gen., the expectation of something desired, hope (the predom. signif. of the word; syn. exspectatio). (a).Absol.: si spes est exspectatio boni, mali exspectationem esse necesse est metum, Cic. Tusc. 4, 37, 80: bona spes cum omnium rerum desperatione confligit, id. Cat. 2, 11, 25: ut aegroto, dum anima est, spes esse dicitur; sic, etc., id. Att. 9, 10, 3: nolite nimiam spem habere, Cat. ap. Gell. 13, 17, 1: spem habere in fide alicujus, Cic. Inv. 1, 39, 71; cf.: nostros tantum spei habere ad vivendum, quantum accepissent ab Antonio, id. Att. 15, 20, 2: miserum est nec habere ne spei quidem extremum, id. N. D. 3, 6, 14: in quīs plurimum habebat spei, Curt. 3, 3, 1: spem sibi aliquam proponere, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 16, 41: spem reliquorum in vestrā potestate positam esse, id. Fl. 1, 3: spem ponere in armis, Verg. A. 2, 676: spem deponere,
, Hor. S. 2, 5, 26; but: spem salvis in alicujus morte deponere,
to place
, Curt. 10, 9, 7: spem alicujus alere, Cic. Cat. 1, 12, 30; cf.: auxerat meam spem, quod, etc., id. Phil. 12, 1, 2: aliquem in spem adducere, id. Att. 3, 19, 2: quae (salus nostra) spe exiguā extremāque pendet, id. Fl. 2, 4: ut eos homines spes falleret, id. Div. in Caecil. 2, 4: quantā de spe decidi, Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 9: hac spe lapsus Indutiomarus, Caes. B. G. 5, 55: nostris militibus spem minuit, id. ib. 5, 33: Helvetii eā spe dejecti, id. ib. 1, 8: ab hac spe repulsi Nervii, id. ib. 5, 42; cf.: de spe conatuque depulsus, Cic. Cat. 2, 7, 14: pro re certā spem falsam domum retulerunt, id. Rosc. Am. 38, 110: non solum spe, sed certā re jam et possessione deturbatus est, id. Fam. 12, 25, 2: spei nostrae finem inponere, Liv. 5, 4, 10: morando spem destituere, id. 1, 51, 5: dolor tantae ad inritum cadentis spei, id. 2, 6, 1: spes ad inritum redacta, id. 28, 31, 1: Philippus, magnā spe depulsus, id. 31, 25, 11: Tyrii ab ingenti spe destituti erant, Curt. 4, 3, 20: tantā spe destituti, id. 8, 6, 20: spem pro re ferentes, Liv. 36, 40, 7: hominem sine re, sine fide, sine spe, etc., Cic. Cael. 32, 78: sunt omnia, sicut adulescentis, non tam re et maturitate quam spe et exspectatione laudata, id. Or. 30, 107: ego jam aut rem aut ne spem quidem exspecto, id. Att. 3, 22, 4: nemo umquam animo aut spe majora suscipiet, qui, etc., id. Lael. 27, 102: multa praeter spem scio multis bona evenisse, Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 69; so, praeter spem evenit!Ter. And. 2, 6, 5; 4, 1, 55; id. Heaut. 4, 1, 51: repente praeter spem dixit, etc., Cic. Fam. 4, 4, 3: cetera contra spem salva invenit, Liv. 9, 23, 17: omnia bona in spe habere, Sall. C. 31, 7.—Plur.: ubi sunt spes meae?Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 28: si mihi mulierculae essent salvae, spes aliquae forent, id. Rud. 2, 6, 69; id. Capt. 2, 3, 85: in quo nostrae spes omnesque opes sitae Erant, Ter. Ad. 3, 2, 33; id. Phorm. 3, 1, 6; cf.: omnes Catilinae spes atque opes concidisse, Cic. Cat. 3, 7, 16; so often: spes opesque, Sall. J. 107, 4: (cadus) Spes donare novas largus, Hor. C. 4, 12, 19 al.—(b). With gen. obj.: spem istoc pacto nuptiarum omnem eripis, Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 35: spe mercedis adducti, Cic. Lael. 9, 31: spes dignitatis suae, id. de Or. 1, 7, 25: spes diuturnitatis atque imperii, id. Rep. 2, 3, 5: nec in praemiis humanis spem posueris rerum tuarum, id. ib. 6, 23, 25; cf. id. de Or. 1, 7, 25: quoniam me tui spem das, id. Rep. 1, 10, 15: ni mihi esset spes ostensa Hujusce habendae, Ter. Phorm. 5, 4, 7: spes amplificandae fortunae fractior, Cic. Lael. 16, 59: ut reo audaci spem judicii corrumpendi praeciderem, id. Verr. 2, 1, 7, 20: Antiochus a spe societatis Prusiae decidit, Liv. 37, 26, 1: hoc conloquium abstulit spem Hannibali recipiendae Nolae, id. 33, 44, 3: exulanti Amyandro spes recuperandi regni facta est, id. 38, 1, 3; Tac. Or. 14 fin.: spe templi capiendi, Liv. 31, 25, 2: spem suae mortis conceperat, Ov. M. 6, 554. —(g). With obj.-clause: spes est, eum melius facturum, Plaut. Stich. 1, 1, 22; id. Ep. 3, 1, 11; Auct. Her. 2, 17, 25: magna me spes tenet, explicare, etc., Cic. Clu. 3, 7: in spem maximam adducti, hunc ipsum annum salutarem civitati fore, id. Mil. 28, 78: ne spes quidem ulla ostenditur, fore melius, id. Att. 11, 11, 1: magnam in spem veniebat, fore, uti, etc., Caes. B. G. 1, 42: magnam se habere spem, Ariovistum finem injuriis facturum, id. ib. 1, 33: injecta est spes patri, Posse illam extrudi, Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 11: si qui vestrum spe ducitur, se posse, etc., Cic. Agr. 1, 9, 27: in spem venio, appropinquare tuum adventum, id. Fam. 9, 1, 1: magna me spes tenet, bene mihi evenire, quod mittar ad mortem, id. Tusc. 1, 41, 97: ad Aetolos legatum misit, magis ut nudaret animos, quam spe impetrari posse, Liv. 34, 24, 7: a spe scalis capi urbem posse, id. 6, 9, 9: spe castra eo die se oppugnaturos, id. 40, 31, 6.—(d). With ut: quae te ratio in istam spem induxit, ut eos tibi fidelis putaris fore?Cic. Off. 2, 15, 53: si spem afferunt, ut ... fructus appareat, id. Lael. 19, 68: spes mihi certa fuit ut, etc., Aus. Idyll. 2, 46: irritā spe agitari, ut, etc., Tac. A. 16, 26.—(e) With de: spes est de argento, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 40; Cic. Lael. 3, 11: de flumine transeundo spem se fefellisse, Caes. B. G. 2, 10: quam spem tunc ille de me concepit, Plin. Ep. 1, 10, 3: nato filio pater spem de illo quam optimam capiat, Quint. 1, 1, 1.—(z) With ad and gerund.: postea vero quam vidi nostros tantum spei habere ad vivendum, Cic. Att. 15, 20, 2: spem habere ad ejus salutem exstinguendam, id. Mil. 2, 5: Gallis ad temptanda ea defuit spes, Liv. 21, 25, 10 Weissenb. ad loc.: cum spei ad resistendum nihil esset, id. 43, 18, 10; 43, 19, 9.—2. In partic. a.The hope of being appointed heir (rare): leniter in spem Arrepe officiosus, ut et scribare secundus Heres, Hor. S. 2, 5, 47: in spem secundam nepotes pronepotesque (assumebantur), Tac. A. 1, 8. —b. Spes, a Roman divinity who had several temples in Rome, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 8, 52; id. Ps. 2, 4, 19; id. Cist. 4, 1, 18; Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; id. N. D. 2, 23, 61; 3, 18, 47; Liv. 2, 51, 2; 25, 7, 6; 40, 51, 6; Tac. A. 2, 49; Plin. 2, 7, 5, 14; Tib. 1, 1, 9 (19); Ov. A. A. 1, 445; Aus. Idyll. 12, 9; cf. Hartung, Relig. d. Röm. 2, p. 264.—B. Transf, concr., like the Engl. hope, of that in which hope is placed, or which is hoped for (poet. and in postAug. prose). 1. In gen.: puppes, Spes vestri reditus, Ov. M. 13, 94; cf.: vestras spes uritis, Verg. A. 5, 672: spes o fidissima Teucrum (of Aeneas), id. ib. 2, 281: spem suam (i. e. exta) circumvolat alis (milvus), Ov. M. 2, 719; cf.: spe (i. e. re speratā) potitur, id. ib. 11, 527.—2. In partic., of hopeful children, and, by analogy, of the young of animals, or of the fruits of the earth: devovit nati spemque caputque parens, Ov. H. 3, 94 Ruhnk.; cf. also in plur., of one child: per spes surgentis Iuli, Verg. A. 6, 364; 10, 524; 4, 274; cf.: tuosne ego, o meae spes inanes, labentis oculis vidi, Quint. 6, prooem. 12: (capella) gemellos, Spem gregis, silice in nudā connixa reliquit, Verg. E. 1, 15; cf. id. G. 4, 162: (sus) quia semina pando Eruerit rostro spemque interceperit anni, Ov. M. 15, 113.—b. In gen., as a term of endearment, hope: spes mea, Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 27: o spes mea, o mea vita, o mea voluptas, salve, id. Stich. 4, 2, 5: o salutis meae spes, id. Rud. 3, 3, 17: et mea carissima filiola, et spes reliqua nostra, Cicero, Cic. Fam. 14, 4, 6.—II.An anticipation or apprehension of something not desired, e)lpi/s (very rare): si meam spem vis improborum fefellerit atque superaverit, Cic. Cat. 4, 11, 23: mala res, spes multo asperior, Sall. C. 20, 13: Metellus contra spem suam laetissimis animis excipitur, id. J. 88, 1: id (bellum) quidem spe omnium serius fuit, Liv. 2, 3, 1: omnium spe celerius, id. 21, 6, 5: in malā jam spe, id. 22, 48: in spe Hannibali fuit defectio Tarentinorum, id. 25, 7: dum spes nulla necis, Stat. Th. 9, 129; cf.: naufragii spes omnis abit, Luc. 5, 455.