Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Spénd-ere, v. a. (pass. spe-si, Spénd-se, Spénd-sero, part.Spénd-so , &c.)
1. to spend, lay out. — gli occhi, to spend a great deal; 2. to buy provisions for the day, to cater; 3. to consume, employ, bestow.— il tempo in qualche cosa, to consume or employ one's time in something. — l'opera,to use one's means. — parole, to utter words;4. to expose; 5. to make use of, employ the services of a person; v. n. to be current. In Francia non si spende altra moneta che quella del paese, no other money is current in France but that of the country; v. r. to devote one's self entirely to a work or thing; s. m. Spénd-itóre,f. Spénd-itríce; adj. Spénd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
spendere: or spendúto, to spend, to dispend, to waste or consume, to lay out mony. Also to vnhang.