Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Spárg-ere, v. a. (pass. spar-si, Spárg-se, Spárg-sero, part.Spárg-so , Spárg-to,)
1. to spill, shed, pour out. — sangue,to spill blood. — lagrime, to shed tears. Non — parole, not to say many words; 2. to spread, stretch out, open, unfold; 3. to scatter about, spread, diffuse, disperse; 4. to divulge, publish, spread abroad. — ombra, to shade, throw a shadow. — preci, to pray. — sangue, to murder, slay; v. r. 1. — la mente, to distract one's attention; 2. — il fiele ad uno, to have the jaundice; s. m. Spárg-itóre, f. Spárg-itríce; adj.Spárg-énte .
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
spargere: to shed, to scatter, to strew, to disperse, to spread, to sprinkle, to sowe, to cast heere and there. Also to publish abroad.