Spargo, spargis, sparsi, sparsum, spárgere. Vir. To scatter or cast abrode: to cast here and there: to sprinckle: to diuide into di. nets parts.Spargere se in aristas, vel brachia, dicitur herba. Plin. To spread it selse and grow into, &c.Spargit se Rhenus in amnem Mosam. Pli. It runneth by diuerse armes into, &c.Sparserant se toto passim campo.Liu.They had srattered themselues abroade ouer all the field.In fluctus spargere aliquem. Virgil. To cast one peecemeale into the water.Per segetem spargere, Colum.Sparsi per agros & per vias. Li. Scattered or spread abroade ouer all the eldes or wages.Comæ canæ sparguntur per caput omne.Ouid.Arenam spargere pedibus.Virg.Auxilium toto spargit in orble suum.Ouid.Bellum spargere per equora. Lucan. To make warre in many places of the sea, or ouer all the seas.Solis equi spariere diem. Sil. Fama spargitur in turmas.Stat.Flammas per nubila spargit Iuppiter.Ouid.Flores spargere.Virg.Spargere humum folijs.Virg.To straw the grounde full of leaues. Eurus spargens naufragium. Sil. Nebulam spargere stellis candidis. Horat. To ouercast the bright starres with a darke clowde.Fama sparserat nomen per vrbes.Ouid.Had spread. &c.Semen spargere.Cic.To sow seede.Spargere semina in solum sterile. Sen. Humo spargere semina.Ouid.Suspiciones quammaximè variè spargere. Qui. In his tale very diuers and many wayes to moue suspitions.Voces spargere in vulgus. Virgil. To spread or sow abroade talke among the comman people.Vulcanum spargere totis tectis.Virg.To cast Ûre in all the houses. Spargere.Cic.To sprinkle.Spargere terram imbribus. Sen. Spargere corpus aqua. Virgil. To sprinkle water vppon the body.Ora spargunt lachrymis. Lucret. They moysten the cheekes with teares.Spargere venena.Cic. Genera in multas species sese spargentia, Plin.Generall kindes denided into many speciall or particular.