Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Spánd-ere, v. a. (pass. spa-si, Spánd-se, Spánd-sero, part. spaso & spanto,)
1. to pour out, shed, spill, run forth in great store, spread, scatter, sow, throw here and there. — lagrime, to shed tears. L'acqua si spande per tutta la campagna,the water covers all the country; 2. to spend.A piccoli ed a grandi, come bisogna, spandi,give to the little and to the great as occasion requires; 3. to distend, unfold, display, spread.Spander le ali, to spread the wings; 4. to spread, scatter, disperse. Per tutto il mondo il tuo nome si spande, your renown goes through all the world; 5. to divulge, spread abroad;v. r. to overflow; s. m. Spánd-itóre, f. Spánd-itríce; adj. Spánd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
spandere: or spandûto, to shed, to skinke, to poure foorth. Also to waste and consume prodigally. Also to spread, to ayre or bleach abroad.