Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sortíre, v. a. & n.
1. to cast or draw lots, to have any thing given by lot or chance; 2. to elect, choose; 3. to part, to share or divide, to give a share; 4. to come off, attain, get, procure, obtain, end. L'impresa sortì il desiderato fine,the enterprise came to a happy issue. Non so a che sortiranno i miei disegni, I don't know what will be the issue of my designs; 5. to make a sortie or sally, to sally. — in campagna, (mil. t.) to take the field; 6. to go out;7. to have from nature.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
sortire: to cast or chance by lots, to allot, to sort, to prooue or come to effect. Also to issue or come out.