Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Soná-re, v. a. n. & r.
1. to sound, to have a sound.L'epa gli suona come fosse un tamburo, hisbelly sounds like a drum. — un corno, to blow a horn. — la trombetta, to sound the trumpet; 2. to ring. — le campane, to ring the bells: 3. to strike. L'orologio suona l'ore,the clock strikes the hours; 4. to play. — il violino, to play upon the violin. — il piano,to play upon the piano-forte. — a predica, to ring for sermon. — nona, to ring for morning-prayers. — a mal tempo, to ring the church bells on occasion of a thunder storm, &c. — a raccolta, (mil. t.) to sound the retreat. — a gloria, or a festa, to ring the bells for joy, to chime. — a morto, to toll for a funeral. — a doppio, to chime, to make music of bells; (fig.) to drub or beat one soundly. E alzato il bastone, il cominciò a —, and lifting up his stick, he began to beat him soundly. — le tabelle dietro ad uno, to ridicule one, to make a mock of him. Suona, che io ballo, do but begin, and I will at you. — a martello, — a stormo, to ring the alarmbell. — a distesa, to ring out the bells, to signify, express. Era chiamato Cimone, il che nella lor lingua sonava, quanto nella nostra, bestione, he was called Cimone, which, in their language signifies the same as in our language, a great beast; 5. to resound. La sua fama suona per tutto 'l mondo, his fame resounds throughout the world. Tutta la città suonava di questa azione, this action was the talk of the whole town; s. m. Soná-tóre, f. Soná-tríce; adj. Soná-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
sonare: to sound, to resound, to make a noise, to rustle, to ring bells, to strike vp a drum, to winde a borne, to sound a irumpet, to play on instruments.