Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Solénn-e, adj. sup. Solénn-íssimo,
1. solemn; 2. splendid, glorious, magnificent, sumptuous. Un — convito, a sumptuous feast; 3. famous, excellent, renowned, celebrated. Un — poeta, a famous poet. Un — medico, a celebrated physician. — vino, excellent wine. — giuocatore,a noted gambler. Mangiatore, bevitore —, an enormous feeder, a hard drinker. Colpo —,a hard blow. Comandamento —, a very strict command. Voti solenni, vows made with due solemnity. Cura —, the greatest care. Da —, solemnly; adv. Solénn-eménte, sup. Solénn-issimaménte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
solenne: solemne, annually publike, yeerely celebrated. Vsed to be done at times. Also famous, renoumed, noteable.