sextans, antis, m. [sex]. I.A sixth part of an as (v. as): sextans ab eo quod sexta pars assis, ut quadrans quod quarta et triens quod tertia pars, Varr. L. L. 5, 171 Müll.: heredes in sextante, Cic. Fam. 13, 29, 4: ex sextante heres institutus, Dig. 44, 2, 30; Cod. Th. 9, 42, 8 pr.—B. In partic. 1. As a coin: extulit eum plebs sextantibus collatis in capita, Liv. 2, 33 fin.; Plin. 33, 10, 48, 138; hence, servus sextantis, i. e. of very trifling value, worthless, Laber. ap. Gell. 16, 9, 4.—2. In weighing, Plin. 26, 11, 74, 121; Ov. Med. Fac. 65; Mart. 8, 71, 9; (with pondo) Scrib. Larg. 4; 42 al.—3. As a measure of land, the sixth part of a juger, Varr. R. R. 1, 10, 2; Col. 5, 1, 10.—4. As a liquid measure, the sixth part of a sextarius, or two cyathi, Col. 12, 23, 1; Mart. 5, 64, 1; Suet. Aug. 77.—5. As a lineal measure, Plin. 13, 15, 29, 94.—II. Among mathematicians, the sixth part of the number six, as of the numerus perfectus (v. as), i. e. unity, one, Vitr. 3, 1, 6.