Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Senténz-a, Senténz-ia, s. f. dim. Senténz-ióla, disp. Senténz-áccia,
1. sentence, judgment pronounced by one or more judges; 2. decision, resolution of a question or doubt; 3. God's decree or sentence; 4. opinion, advice, mind. E tutte in una — correndo,and all being of the same opinion; 5. sentence, saying, apophthegm, maxim; 6. sense, meaning. Andar nella — d'alcuno, to be of a person's opinion. Dar —, to sentence. Sputar sentenze, to utter sentences in an affected manner, to spout. In —, in short, to make short of it.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English