Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sentíre, v. a. & n.
1. to feel, hear, smell, taste;2. to understand, perceive, be sensible of; 3. to be affected by; 4. to esteem, judge, think;5. to know things thoroughly, to dive into; 6. to assent, consent to; 7. to be attacked by any disease; 8. to smell, savour of. Ciò sente d'eresia, this savours of heresy. — bene or male d'una cosa, to have a good or bad opinion of a thing; 9. to find out, discover, smell out;v. r. 1. to come to one's self, to awake; 2. to find one's self. Come vi sentite voi? how do you find yourself? Non mi sento molto bene,I do not find myself very well. Vi sentite voi qualche male? do you find yourself ill? O signor mio dolce, o che senti tu? oh, my dear sir, what is the matter with you? 3. — d'una ferita, to be still sensible of a wound, to feel it yet; 4. to have a feeling. Io son tutto divenuto sì freddo che appena sento di me, I am grown so cold that I have hardly any feeling at all; 5. Farsi —, to make one smart. Il freddo si fa — molto aspro quest'anno, the cold is very piercing this year.