1. simple, pure, mere, unmixed; 2. single, only, bare.Attese alla sua — parola, he took his bare word. Beneficio —, a benefice or livingwithout cure of souls. Donazione —, an absolute gift; 3. simple, plain, downright, honest, without deceit; 4. simple, credulous, foolish;5. single. Terzana —, a single tertian fever;adv. Sémplic-eménte, sup. Sémplic-issimaménte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
semplice: simple, single, slight, not double, sincere, puro, plaine, vnmixt, not curious, without welt or garde. Also harmelesse, homolie, meane, simple-witted, shallow-headed.