Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Seguíre, v. a.
1. to follow, go, or run after; 2. to continue, pursue, follow, persevere. prolong.— un discorso, to go on in one's discourse. — la strada, to go on. — un disegno, to pursue or prosecute a design; 3. to comply, humour, submit to, obey. Disposto sono in ciò di — il piacer vostro. I am ready to comply with every thing you may desire. Se 'l mio pensiero di — v'aggrada, if you will follow my advice; 4. to execute, put in execution, effect, perform, accomplish. Eccomi pronto a — il vostro comandamento, I am ready to execute your commands: 5. to happen, chance, fall out, come to pass, befall. La sua morte seguì il tal giorno, he died on such a day. Che vi è seguito? what has happened to you? Segua quel che si sia, happen what will; 6. to follow, ensue, proceed, spring from. E dalla perdita della battaglia ne seguì quella anche della città,and by the loss of the battle followed that of the town.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
seguire: to follow, to ensue, to succeed, to pursue, to goe after. Also to happen, or come to passe.