Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Segná-re, v. a.
1. to mar<*> note, to ticket, put a sign or mark upon. — qualche cosa nella memoria, to print something in one's memory;2. to show, direct; 3. to assign, prescribe; 4. to mark, stamp. — le biancherie, to mark linen; 5. to cross, bless by making the sign of the cross; 6. to bleed, let blood; 7. to strike, wound; v. r. 1. to cross one's self, make the sign of the cross; 2. to be astonished, surprised.V. maravigliare; s. m. Segná-tóre, f. Segná-tríce;adj. Segná-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
segnare: to marke, to signe, to seale, to note, to brand, to skarre. Also to stamp or coine. Also to make or put on a signe. Also to make the signe of the holie crosse. To crosse one at the houre of death. Also to betoken or signifie. Vsed also for to let blood, or bleed.