Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Segá-re, v. a.
1. to saw; 2. to saw, cut, split, divide into two; 3. to cut down corn, reap, mow; 4. to cut; 5. to cut or part the water.Tosto ch'l duca ed io nel legno fui, segando se ne va l'antica prora, no sooner were the guide and I in the boat, but she began to cut the water;v. r. (geom. t.) to intersect; s. m. Segá-tóre, f. Segá-tríce.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
segare: to sawe. Also to part, to cut or deuide through the middle. Also to cut or furrow through the Sea. Vsed also for to reape corne, to mow hay or cut grasse.