Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sécco, s. m. pl. chi,
1. siccity, dryness, aridity, drought; 2. dry wood or branches, fire wood.Il — e l'umido, dryness and moisture. A tempo di —, in time of drought. Murare a —,to build a stone wall without mortar; to eat without drinking. Rimanere a —, to be puzzled, not to know what to say. Anfanare in —, to labour in vain. Saper di —, to taste or smell of the wood (speaking of wine, &c.). Dire o fare che che si sia di — in —, to say or do any thing without consideration. Restare, rimanere a —, to be stranded, to run aground; (fig.) to be abandoned.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
secco: dry, saplèsse, burnt, barren, without moisture, scorched, withered. Also importunate or tedious in talking. Also barren of wit of shallow of inuention. Also as Sécca. Looke Rimanére in sécco.