Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Scórr-ere, v. n. (V. correre,)
1. to flow, run, slide, glide, slip away; 2. to turn (as a whee<*>on its axis); 3. to crumble (as the earth); 4. to pass away rapidly. Il tempo scorre, time flies; 5. to come down upon, descend. Quando 'l bel parto giù nel mondo scorse, when the Son of God descended upon the earth; 6. to go as far as, reach. L'inondazione scorse fin alle mura, the inundation reached the walls;7. to fail, become less. — il ventre ad alcuno,to be troubled with a looseness; 8. to think, meditate; v. a. 1. to overrun, scour. — il paese, to scour the country; 2. to spoil, lay waste, ravage. — una terra, to ravage a country; 3. to run over, read in a cursory manner. — le giunture, (naut. t.) to examine the seams of a ship previously to calking;s. m. Scórr-itóre, f. Scórr-itríce; adj. Scórr-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
scorrere: to runne ouer, to runne heere and there, to gad or wander to and fro. Also to peruse ouer slightly. Also to slide or glide vpon the Ise.