Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Scoprí-re, v. a. (V. aprire,)
1. to uncover, denude, lay bare; 2. to declare, reveal, open.— un embrice, to reveal a secret. — gli altari,to disclose what ought to be secret; 3. to understand, know, learn; 4. (mil. t.) to reconnoitre. — paese, to feel one's way, sound a person. Uno scopre la lepre, ed altro se la piglia, to make a cat's-paw of one; v. n. to appear;v. r. 1. to take off the hat by way of salute; 2. (mil. t.) to have information of the enemy's movements. — ad alcuno, to unbosom one's self to any one; s. m. Scoprí-tóre, f. Scoprí-tríce.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
scoprire: to discouer, to disclose, to vncouer, to vnhill.