Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Scénde-re, v. a. & n. (pass. sce-si, Scénde-se, Scénde-sero, part. Scénde-so, &c.)
1. to descend, to go, to come or step down. — di cavallo, to alight, dismount. — di carrozza, to alight out of a coach. — per un fiume, to descend a river. — sopra, to attack, make a descent upon; 2. to descend from, draw or derive one's origin from. Egli scende d'una buona famiglia, he comes of a good family; 3. to grow cheap, fall in price;v. r. to yield, consent; adj. Scénde-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English