Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Scál-a, s. f. dim. Scál-étta, Scál-ína, aug. Scál-óne, disp.Scál-áccia ,
1. staircase, ladder. Salir le scale, to go up stairs. — a chiocciola or a lumaca, a winding staircase; 2. a scale for measuring distances; 3. scale, line divided into equal parts, a scale of equal parts; 4. step, ladder, means of advancing one's fortune; 5. port, sea-port. Fare —, (naut. t.) to make a port, put into port. To guide, conduct by degrees. — franca, a free port; 6. order, disposition, rule. — di colori, a gradation of colours from the lightest to the darkest; 7. liberty; 8. (naut. t.) ladder. — di poppa, the quarter ladder. — alla banda della nave, the accommodation ladder; 9. pl. the ports in the Levant. A —, in order.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
scala: any kind of scale, ladder or paire of staires, or way to ascend by steps or greeses. Also a word much vsed of Marmers, as Fárescále, to touch, to land or come to any shore. Also to ride at anchor in any setled place. Scála is also any good landing place.