Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sángu-e, s. m. Sángu-áccio,
1. blood. Bruttarsi le mani nel —, to imbrue one's hands in blood, to kill, murder. Metter tutto a — e a fuoco, to destroy every thing with fire and sword. Un uomo avido di —, a bloodthirsty man. Far —, to spill blood; to have the power of life and death. Andare a —, to have a liking for. Ella mi va molto a —, she pleases me much. Cominciò a bollirmi il —, my blood began to boil. A — caldo, in a passion. A — freddo, in cold blood, premeditatedly; 2. race, lineage, extraction, family. Principi del —, princes of the blood royal; 3. pl. the monthly courses; 4. temper, nature; 5. complexion.Il — dell'uva, wine. — di drago,dragon's blood, a kind of resin.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
sangue: any kind of bloud. Also life, vigor, force or strength. Also a blood, a stocke, a kindred, or lineall descent. Also death, slaughter or murther.