Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sapére, v. a. & n. (1 pres. so, sai, sa, sappiamo, sapete, sanno; pass. sep-pi, -pe, -pero; fut. saprò, &c.; imper. sap-pi, -pia, -piamo, -piate, -piano; 2nd pres. ch'io sappia, &c. cond. saprei, &c.)
1. to know, have knowledge of, perceive, discern, discover, penetrate. Non ne so niente, I know nothing about it. — a mente, to know by heart. Non — l'abbicì, t<*> be quite ignorant. Saper di libro, di geometria di gramatica, to be learned, to be a good geometrician, grammarian, &c. Saper fare, to have address, to possess ability. Non saper più la, to know no more about it. Fate pur se sapete, do your best. Saper a mente che che si sia, to have a thing at one's finger's ends;2. to smack, taste, smell of. Eglino sanno ancor dell'antico, they still smack of antiquity. Sa del muschio, he smells of musk. Sa del vino,he stinks of wine. Saper buono, to smell well. Non sa di niente, it has no taste. Saper di mille odori, to have an exquisite odour. Saper bene, to please, be agreeable. Saper male, to offend, displease, disgust. Saper grado di, to be thankful or obliged for any thing. Non ne saper grado ne grazia, to be under no obligation;3. to appear, to have the look of. Saper troppo di povero, to wear the look of poverty, to appear badly off.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
sapere: to know by the minde, to wot, to wisse, to ken, to vnderstand and perceiue well. Also to taste of, to smacke of, to smell of.